"Everyone's mental health is a little bit shit right now, so just be gentle."

I keep seeing that plastered everywhere but everyone just says "Oh I'm good!" when I ask how they are doing. I get it. Nobody comes on social media to rant or vent. Nobody comes on to read about it either. But I mean... If you could just be honest when I ask how you're doing... It would really make me feel a bit more normal and less alone.
At this point I feel like the only person who is HONESTLY and ACTUALLY loosing my shit. Because... I'm not ok. I'm just not. Life is so "up in the air" and everything keeps unfolding. It feels like a never ending game of Jumanji and I really just need to find a way out of this "game". 😔 What am I supposed to be doing? Which decision is the right one? I don't even know anymore.
So. Uh.. How are you doing? But like.. really. How are you?
Tips For Finding Your Centered Self:
Write it down! Sometimes, writing your thoughts on paper helps you process what it is you are thinking, and it also helps to look back at your progress! Seeing how far you have come is very motivating.
Find the silver lining.
Take one small walk, every day.
Fight negative thoughts with positive ones! Talk back to your inner voice, and stay consistent with this one! Everytime you catch yourself saying something like "This is stupid, what was I thinking?" combat it with "I was thinking that I want to be productive, it's a smart idea and I can do this. What do I need to change to make this work?"
Know who "your people" are. Having a good support system in times like these, is crucial. Find someone you can trust with your thoughts and emotions! Let them know that they are important to you.
Have a self care routine. I love a good bubble bath, a D.I.Y. spa night, hot tea and a good book, whatever. Sometimes alone time is crucial. Don't skip it.
Have a morning ritual, and a bedtime ritual!!! I still have not conquered this one, but I know it's a must because anytime you have a routine, it feels like everything is just as it should be.
The Bottom Line Is:
There are a number of small but impactful ways to improve your mental health every day. Of course, this list is no substitute for getting help from a licensed mental health professional who can walk you through individual strategies that can help you. But hopefully this gave you a few ideas that you can use the next time you're feeling overwhelmed. Remember, don't be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health disorder, visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness website for valuable resources to find help and support, or call the toll-free helpline at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264).