3 reasons why I make my own playdough!
1. They help me make it which is great for passing time, helps with the hand/eye coordination, improves dexterity in their hands and fingers (which are critical areas of physical development for writing later on), and is always super exciting for them!
2. It's taste-safe for the smaller peeps! I still don't let them eat it, obviously, but it doesn't give me that momentary panic "oh my gosh, spit that out!!" the way store bought playdough does.
3. It's good quality time. I actually hate cooking with my kids in the kitchen. I know a lot of people highly recommend it, and enjoy it, but I really dislike anyone being in the kitchen when I am busy. It's "my space". This seems a fair compromise for me in that aspect because I'm not in a hurry to make the playdough and I can focus on letting them be in charge of the process. It's a win/win!
Thoughts? P.S. How cute is this little D.I.Y. pizza?
