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How We Road Trip With Kids!

Writer's picture: TaLisa AgayevTaLisa Agayev

My family loves to travel! Specifically long road trips but we've had plans to fly for a while! Due to it being 2020, we've not gone anywhere outside of our state which has been a blessing and a curse. We've found loads of places we have never been to in our own state but I am itching for an actual VACATION! (Aren't we all?)

Needless to say, as we start making plans for 2021, I am filled to the brim with excitement! If it is your first time taking a long road trip with kids in the back seat, I know that it can be intimidating AF! We put off traveling for a long time with all of the same fears you have! I will be honest, a lot of thought goes into planning a road trip with kids. If your "New Year Resolutions" include traveling more often, we've done this a time or four, so I'll do my best to give you my pro tips to make your trip as smooth as possible and heck, hopefully fun too!

1. Pre-Trip Prep!

A week or so before leaving, make sure that you have had your vehicle looked over and had some standard maintenance done. Brakes, coolant, wiper fluid, oil change, tire pressure, and don't forget to pack an emergency kit! Just in case! Include things like a flashlight, water, jumper cables, blankets, snacks, drinks, sunblock, bug spray, a deck of cards, a safety pin, some bandages, a battery powered fan, hand sanitizer, and road flares!

Another thing we do is pre-plan intentional pit stops along the way to our destination! We are big on walking trails and sight seeing so if there are things we know of ahead of time, we plan to stop and see them. It makes for a great opportunity to stretch your legs but it's also just a great chance for the family to say they saw things along the way. Even restaurants, rest areas, and things along that line are planned ahead of time. Of course, there are always things that aren't in the agenda that pop up but you learn to roll with it! We often plan for the fact that the trip usually goes one day longer than we anticipated. Just in case.

2. Safety First!

Something that comes to mind for me when I think road trips is cars seats! I am super cautious about how my kiddos are buckled, if everything is washed, adjusted, fits appropriately, etc. If your kiddo is between car seat sizes, this is a great time to just go ahead and swap it for a new one! This way your child will also be comfortable for most of the ride as well and my daughter was stoked to see that she was officially the owner of a cup holder! (It's the little things.)

3. Pack Your Bags! (Ahead of time...)

I always pack my bag (a minimum of one week) ahead of time in order to give myself as many chances as possible to remember anything I may have forgotten. Mom brain is REAL, our hands are full and our minds are racing! Give yourself a chance to breath and remember what's left! Especially if it is the first time you are packing for a trip!

4. Pack the Cooler!

Listen to me. There is no "point A to point B" when you have kids. There is Point A, a billion stops along the way, and point B". Have snacks, juice boxes, water bottles, more snacks! It's better to have more than you need than not enough. Trust me. If you have too much, great! You have hotel snacks! Also, a sneaky snack pack hack (Say that five times real fast! Whew!) is to have something they don't typically get very often as a treat. It's a great way to have something they can look forward to.

Bring sandwiches, apples, almonds, crackers, granola bars, baby carrots, celery sticks, etc. Personally, we have a heavy duty cooler that fits in the back seat behind the driver so the passenger can reach it, and hand out foods at any point in the trip, without hesitation. I also find it to be the most space saving option.

Another thing we do is "pre-cool the cooler" to keep the food cold for longer! We just grab some ice or even some frozen gallon jugs and toss them in the cooler over night before the trip. Then replace it with fresh ice just before you leave! (Especially if you are traveling with breast milk! Been there!)

5. Pack Entertainment...

Kids do not sit still for too long and that's just life, so plan for it. Providing things that will keep them distracted a long the way is a must! It gives you a bit of peace and makes a huge difference for them in terms of enjoying the trip as well. Bonus points if you can manage to fill the gaps with educational things!

Some must haves for me are things like coloring books, crayons, notebooks, iPad filled with pre-downloaded movies, books, audio books, scavenger hunt games (we have a book for it but you can just print off some freebies available online and they will work fine!), travel bingo, and a Barbie or action figure of some type (per kiddo).

Overall, road trips are really fun and if you go without too many expectations, it is a good experience. You learn to roll with the punches and just have a good time. Instead of thinking about it as the portion of the trip that you have to get through in order to get to where you are going, think of it as part of the trip! It's half the fun! It really changes the mood. Expect your kids to flip out from time to time. It's what kids do. Take a breath and distract them with the next road trip game! It's a great opportunity to put away your phone and bond with your kiddos one on one!

Do you have things you would add to the list? Leave a comment! I'd love to hear how you do road trips with the family! I hope this bit of information helps, let's chat soon!



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