D.I.Y. Playdough for the win on this rainy day. Swipe to see the secret ingredient they can't stop raving about. 😅 "Mmmmm smell this one! Mmmm and this one!"

You Will Need:
1 cup flour
1/2 cup table salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 tbs. oil
1 cup boiled water
food coloring
and essential oils for fragrance
What To Do:
Combine the flour, salt, and cream of tartar. Mix well.
Add oil.
Add a few drops of food coloring to the boiled water.
Mix well with a spoon. When cooled enough to touch, knead with your hands until it no longer sticky.
Once completely cooled, put it in a plastic baggy or air tight container.
Playdough will store well for about six months!