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Cheap Activities During Your Time At Home With Your Kiddos.

Writer's picture: TaLisa AgayevTaLisa Agayev

Updated: Feb 7, 2021

File it under the cheapest and most frugal things that will pass time/keep your kiddos busy! All things you can let them do on their own or do together! Which, let's be honest, has been the greatest blessing about the entire situation we are in. 2020 (and 2021 this far) could be outlined as an absolute fiasco, or a blessing in disguise.

In my own humble opinion, it's been a great opportunity to bond and get to know the kiddos in a world that is otherwise too busy to slow down. Here are our five favorite things to do together that we hope you will give a try too!

  1. Building Towers Out Of Pasta & Marshmallows

Building a really tall spaghetti tower is much trickier than you think. Especially if you add little rules like "It can't teeter or tip!" Tell them to consider different shapes that might work best or make it strongest. If you have older kiddos you can let them know that it will be "tested" with an egg on top when they have completed their tower! A great way for them to pass time while using their noodle. (Get it? Their noodle? ... Moving on.) It's not Rocket Science, but it is Science.

2. Soapy (& Colored) Water With Some Toys

This one is obviously directed toward the toddlers in your life but, let's be honest, what kid doesn't enjoy water play really? It's as simple as a bowl full of soapy water colored with food coloring and handing them some of their plastic dinos.

It's completely free! My toddler will sit in one place on the plastic (or towel) for a good thirty minutes talking and playing by himself! With supervision obviously. I don't go far and usually do this one while I am folding laundry to keep him from pouncing on all of the folded piles.

3. Dress Up & Make Believe

Make believe is so great for kids of every single age! It's as simple as pulling out those old Halloween Costumes you've held onto over the years and letting them have at it. Can't go wrong with that!

4. The Entire "Craft" Isle at Wal-Mart.

I literally kid you not when I say that we roam through the craft isle over by the sewing needles and pipe cleaners for all of the goodies! We stalk up on all of the 45 cent and 65 cent items like "color your own wooden magnets" and "paintable window chimes" and even bird houses for a whopping 95 cents!

These are all things my kids LOVE to do, and we do them often because they still aren't bored with it. If you splurge on the science kits, it's a great opportunity to pull out relatable books or find YouTube videos with similar topics of interest and discuss things like planets, space, etc. Which is what we did in the photo below.

5. Look In A Book!

I am certain that you already have books on the shelf those kiddos love. This is totally free and is a great opportunity to create some quality time. Grab a handful of them, sit together, and read their favorites while pausing to point out things on the page and ask lots of questions about what they think will happen next.

Your turn! What would you add to the list of cheap or frugal things to do (let's be honest -this list was completely free to do) during your time at home with your kiddos? Leave a comment and let me know!


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