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This Little Home of Mine Policy Book

Writer's picture: TaLisa AgayevTaLisa Agayev

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

This Little Home of Mine

Policy Book

Last Updated 01/01/2023

Please read this handbook carefully, and feel free to discuss with me any questions that you may have.

Hours of Operation

Hours of Operation are:

7:30 am – 5:30 PM / Monday - Friday

I will be closed:

New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, The Day After Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.

If a Holiday falls on a Saturday, it will be observed the day before (Friday). If the Holiday falls on a Sunday, it is observed the next day (Monday).

Additionally, I may close early or open late due to having scheduled appointments for my family. I will also be closed for a few "personal days" that I have chosen for my family.

There will most likely be a one week time frame in the month of either June, July, and/or August that will be taken for "vacation". My family likes to travel in the Summer months and this is extremely important to me and is non-negotiable. Please have a backup daycare in mind for this. You will also be given a more specific time frame (as far as I can) in advance, so that you may plan accordingly.

Backup Daycare

In case of personal emergencies, I will not have a backup provider in place. I will simply need to "close" that day. I recommend that you have a backup daycare provider in mind should this happen.

In Case of Emergency In case of an emergency such as falls, cuts, broken bones, etc. I will IMMEDIATELY dial 9-1-1 to alert police and rescue workers of the situation prior to starting CPR/First Aid, should it be necessary. As soon as it is ok to do so, I will call you immediately.

I am CPR/First Aid Certified every year to two years. I am prepared to respond quickly and effectively. My certification will always be updated, and visible to you in the entryway of the daycare.

Evacuation Procedures

In case of emergency (fire/flood/otherwise), children and I will be evacuated to Casey’s Gas Station. This is just a short walk/drive from my home, and that will be how the children will be transported there. I have an emergency evacuation and disaster plan in place. Fire drills will be practiced on the first Wednesday of each month with your child.

  • Fire: We will evacuate to the tree in the front of the yard.

  • Tornado: We will calmly walk to the basement bathroom until the sirens go off.

  • Blizzards: The children will be kept indoors and remain here until it is safe for traveling.

  • Power Outages: I will maintain a working flashlight and a battery operated radio.

Availability of water and first aid supplies will be kept in the basement under the laundry room. Emergency food will be kept under the stairs if needed. If parents cannot pick up his/her child(ren) as a result of the emergency listed above, your contact person will be notified. If they cannot pick up your child(ren), he/she will stay with me until such time that you can pick up your child. If an immediate evacuation is required, the following procedures are in place:

1. I will transport the children to:

Casey’s 1508 16th Ave. N, Wahpeton, ND 58075

(701) 642-8436

2. You will then be required to pick up your child at Casey’s.

3. My childcare will remain closed until it is safe to return to my home.

4. My “Out of Town” contact for evacuation purposes will be my brother in law.

In the event that we would need to evacuate from town, I will contact you immediately with the Address and Phone Number for my brother in law so that you may pick up your children there. I will contact him, along with Richland Social Services.

I understand there are some critical items that need to be brought along with me if evacuation is necessary. These may include the Parent's contact information and emergency contact numbers, special medication for any child, diapers and formula.

Transportation/Outings We will not be doing any field trips or outings that require transportation at this time. If we do need transportation in the event of an emergency, only insured licensed, well-maintained vehicles will be used to transport the children. A first aid kit and list of emergency contacts for all children vehicles during transportation of children. A cell phone will be available in case of emergency. Drivers will be legally licensed and shall not be under the influence of any substance that may alter their ability to drive safely. Drivers will meet all qualifications including a criminal history check. Drivers will obey all traffic regulations. The driver may not be included in the child/staff ratio. Drivers must not be distracted from safe driving practices by being simultaneously responsible for the supervision of children. The driver will be familiar with the route ahead of time. Drivers will have evidence of a safe driving record for the previous 5 years. To prevent distractions the driver is not permitted to talk on a cell phone or play loud music. Driver will either be myself or my husband.

Late Pick-Up Policy:

If you are late picking up your child (after closing time) you will be charged a late fee of $1 per minute late, except in emergency situations. This late fee will be added to your bill at the beginning of each week. Depending on how often being late occurs, I may allow a five-minute grace period.

Enrollment Requirements

Before your child can be officially enrolled, you must complete and provide the following documents:

  • Signed Parent Contract and Rate Agreement

  • Completed Child Profile & Copy of Immunization Record (or Signed Waiver)

  • Signed Consent Forms (those that are applicable)

I will no longer be accepting "temporary care" due to personal preference. If you should need a space held for your child(ren), spaces will not be held by verbal contract. A holding fee must be paid in order for a spot to be held. In the event that I agree to hold your child(ren)’s spot, a $250 holding fee is required. This will hold the spot for one month’s time, is nonrefundable, and does not go towards care afterwards. It is a holding fee, to cover the time frame that the spot was held. Holding a spot long term, for example - needing to secure a spot for a future infant, is a separate fee and the policy in regards to this has been updated as of recently. Holding a spot for a future infant requires a holding fee of $1,000. This will secure your spot for the entire 9 months but is non-refundable and does not go towards future care. This fee is specifically to hold the spot for those nine months that I am agreeing to take a loss on the remainder of my income for that time frame. If you should choose to opt out on holding your infant’s spot, I will fill the spot and you may ask me what my waiting list looks like closer to your due date. (My program does not accept infants and this will only be done for an existing parent in my childcare under careful consideration.)

Again, the reasoning for the required “holding fee” is that my family depends on my daycare income to help pay our bills and holding a spot is agreeing to take a loss on a large portion of my income for that time frame.

I do require that the parent/guardian and their child(ren) visit my home prior to enrolment. This process allows your child(ren) to become more familiar with my daycare and other children. If you feel it necessary, we can arrange for your child(ren) to be left in my care for 2-3 hours free of charge as a trial basis, before leaving them for a full day.

Payment Procedures

Forms of payment currently accepted are through the Brightwheel app downloaded at the time of enrollment. All fees must be paid by Monday (or the first day of care) at drop off time for the current week of services. If payment is not received by Monday at pick-up time a late payment fee will be applied to your account at the rate of $5 per day. In order to ensure accurate supplies to keep the daycare running, fees need to be on time.

Anyone in the Childcare Assistance program will also pay in full on those dates. The difference will be credited back to your Brightwheel profile when payment from the state is received.

After 3 days of late fees added to your account, your care will be suspended until fees are paid.

After 3 suspensions, childcare service may be suspended, or childcare may be terminated. Each situation is dealt with on an individual basis.

Signing in and out/Attendance Records Policy

Children are signed in and out by me upon their arrival and departure using the Brightwheel App. I ask that if your child is not going to attend care as per usual that you inform me by 8:30 a.m. This will help me plan activities for the day.

When your child does not attend daycare, you must call to let me know the reason - if it is a communicable illness, we are required to record this in case of other cases breaking out. If no one answers the phone, please leave a brief message. You may also reach me by messaging me through the Brightwheel app on your phone, as I will log on periodically through the day to update parents of the child(ren)'s activities, etc. anyway, and will be able to see it.

If someone else will be picking up your child, please let me know upon arrival. Photo ID will be required by the person picking up your child as well if I am not familiar with that person.

Please let any individuals other than parents who may pick up the child(ren) know that they will be asked for a picture ID in order to ensure the safety of all children. Children will not be released to unauthorised individuals. If someone shows up to pick up your child and I was not made aware of it, I will have to track you down to confirm that this is in fact permitted, as well as see a picture ID of that individual to confirm their identity.

Child Abuse/Neglect

If there is any abuse or neglect suspected of any children in my care, I am required to report it to the ND Child Abuse & Neglect Intake Unit. If it is an emergency, it will be reported to the RSR Human Service Zone. Please be aware also that children will NOT be released under any circumstances to impaired individuals. If I have reason to believe that any person picking up a child is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, an emergency contact will be called to pick up the child. The incident will also have to be reported to Social Development according to the Child's Victims of Abuse and Neglect Protocols.

Clothing Code

Children should come dressed in comfortable, season appropriate clothing that can get dirty, since some activities we do daily are messy. A spare change of clothes is required for all children in case of soiling of clothes. Children under the age of 3, and those who are potty-training require at least two changes of clothing (including socks). I want to keep your children happy and comfortable.

Feet are always required to remain covered by public health when indoors. This can be simply a pair of crocs from the dollar store, or a pair of slippers that they don't use at home, a pair of socks with “grip” on the bottom, or even a separate set of “indoor sneakers” if you wish.

Please be sure to take your child’s coat off and replace their outside shoes with their inside shoes or slippers promptly upon arrival. Taking this upon yourself to do both helps me when I am with the other kiddos, as well as serves as a transition for your child, helping them to understand that it is time to be here at daycare for the day.

Please also remember whenever “weather permits”, the children are taken outside for a minimum of 30 minutes each day. Please ensure that you have proper outerwear provided for your child so that they are comfortable and don't miss out on outdoor play. **Weather Permitting for me, personally, is 35 degrees and above in the Winter months.

**Weather Permitting for me, personally, is 90 and below in the Summer months.

Please, however, consider that there are a lot of factors that may go into deciding whether or not weather is permitting! The children’s moods (and activity levels), the heat index, ages of the children in my current group, how shady/sunny the area is, whether or not everyone came prepared that day, etc.

Potty Training Policies

I want to support your efforts of potty training at home right through the day here at daycare. However, there are some key signs to look for before I can help you train your child. The key signs of readiness for potty training include:

  • The child can pull down/up their pants and underwear/pull-ups on their own with little to no assistance.

  • The child can communicate to you when they need to go to the bathroom.

  • The child’s diaper is dry after nap times and for long periods during the day.

  • The child can hold their bowels and bladder until they get to the potty, once they realize that they need to go.

If these signs are not present, your child is not ready to potty train at daycare, as we cannot have a potty in each room for them to use – it is against public health sanitation policies. I will always encourage children to use the potty regularly and we begin to introduce sitting on the potty at about 2 years old. When your child does potty train, I ask that you provide extra clothing and remove soiled clothing daily. If we run out of clean clothes and underwear, then I do have daycare “loaner” clothes that I am able to provide, however I do ask that they are returned.

Discipline Policy

Discipline and guidance will center around respect and responsibility. Each child is expected to be a respectful, responsible member of the group. This ranges from children cleaning up their own “messes” to using manners and politeness when speaking with the provider, parents, and each other. (Please be patient with children, as they are just children, but I do address any behavioral issues as needed!)

I follow the “1-2-3, time-in” procedure. The child will get two warnings upon the first and second instances of the child not acting safely or being irresponsible/disrespectful. If the child continues the action that is not acceptable, the child will receive a third warning and a time-in. It is explained to the child as "when you cannot be safe with yourself and your friends/when you cannot play nicely, you must step away”.

The child will be asked to sit next to me for a few short minutes to calm down, think about what behaviors are OK. The time-ins will last the amount of time that corresponds with the child's age (for example, if the child is 3, they will get a 3-minute time-out). Before rejoining the group, we will briefly discuss what appropriate behaviors will need to be used to be a part of the group again.

Under no circumstances will I ever subject your child to physical punishment, fear, or humiliation. If the child is out of control, I will call you to come pick up him/her.

Daily Routine

Arrival time may be no later than 11:00 a.m. at the latest. Shortly after that, we begin lining up to wash our hands for lunch and from there we wash up again for nap time. It is an extremely busy period in our day. You may come and go as you please outside of 11:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. but that small window is all I ask for - so that it goes as smoothly as possible for us! If we get behind schedule at all in that time frame, nap time falls behind and results in a bedtime struggle for parents later that evening. I do my very best to avoid running into that by completing the many tasks at hand in a very timely manner. This is the only point in our day that we are strict about our "routine" or "rhythm" due to the fact that it can easily become chaotic, and I am doing my best to avoid that.

Bathroom Breaks will be offered every hour, followed by hand washing. Hand washing will be done after every meal, activity, or bathroom break. A drink of water will also be offered every hour. Children may use the bathroom any time they need aside from being offered​


7:30-8:30 a.m. Arrival

8:30-9:00 a.m. Breakfast

9:00-11:30 a.m. Circle Time, Stories, Dancing, Freeplay, etc.

11:30-12:30 a.m. Wash Up/ Lunch

12:30-3:00 p.m. Wash up/Lay down.

***Non Negotiable. Whatever other nap times you would like to add, please work around this one and include this one in your day at home as well.

3:00-3:30 p.m. Wake/Snack/Story

***3:10-3:40 p.m. School Kids Arrive somewhere around this time, that time varies, and this is not a quiet time. Any nappers will likely wake.

3:30-5:00 p.m. Outside

5:00-5:30 p.m. Wash Up, Clean Up, Prep to go home.


•Under 6 months

On demand. No schedule. They will eat/sleep as needed.

•6 months to 1 year

9:30 to 10:30

1:00 to 3:00

***As long or as little as they like. If they sleep the entire two hours, they will not be woken. If they wake on their own, throughout that nap window, I will allow them to do so and they can try again for the next one.

***For these two naps there will be no black out curtains. Sound machines are optional, but there will be background noise all day long regardless.

•1 year+

12:30 to 3:00

Your child WILL lay down for nap time. Regardless of age, wake time earlier that morning, or “other”. From 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. your child will not be an exception to the nap routine - even if your child shows up at 11:30 a.m., sleeping. Particularly, for future reference, this also includes infants. Showing up on time for the day allows plenty of time to work their body and brain so they are tired for nap-time.

Some kids fall asleep faster than others. Some take up to an hour of relaxing to fall asleep. If your child wakes during this time frame, they will lay quietly, with or without toys in their spot, for as little as long as they are willing. If they become aggravated or upset, I will allow them to come play quietly with the rest of the nap time boycotters.

**Children must be picked up by 5:30 or late charges will apply. If you have any concerns, please arrive on time to discuss them.

​This schedule is FLEXIBLE and is adjusted according to the children's needs and interests. (i.e. If a child is engaged in art and another activity when snack is served, they may finish their activity and will then be served their snack. Or, if we are engaged during scheduled "learning/circle time" the learning/circle time will just be pushed back to a later time so that we may fully engage in the current activity until it is complete.) The main goal is to have fun while learning.

Items Needed from Home

  • Nap Bedding - I will provide the beds and the sheet/blanket that they sleep on, but you must provide a blanket for them to cover up with, as well as any comfort items that they may need to sleep (blanket, stuffed animal, etc.) Infants 12 months or younger will not be allowed to have any of the above in the crib with them under any circumstances.

  • Diapers/Wipes/Rash Ointment - (Training pants or pull-ups for those who are potty training.) I will tell you when you are running low, in which case I will use what is in the diaper bag at that time until you are able to bring more to the daycare.

  • Spare Clothing - including underwear and socks, one set, but at least 3 complete sets for those potty-training age and under.

  • Wide - brimmed hat for outdoors, and Sunscreen/Sunblock

  • Weather appropriate clothing - jacket/snow pants/hats/mitts, boots etc. - lack of weather appropriate clothing will prevent your child from enjoying our outdoor play time, please ensure you dress your child for outdoor play every day.

  • Inside “Shoes” - to be worn always, aside from outside play, in case of emergency. (see clothing code policy above)

  • Medications - (and paperwork for each medication, including Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc., to keep on file.)

  • Bibs/Burp cloths

  • Extra pacifier Extra formula or milk to freeze - (CLEARLY LABELED with date, time, name, etc.)

  • Extra bottle/Nipple - (or Sippy Cup)

  • Up to Date Immunizations, Doctors Notes, Paperwork, etc.

Please ensure that children come dressed in “play” clothes, or any clothes that you don't mind being dirty. Although we are careful while doing art and playing outside; there are instances where clothes could become dirty and stained. We appreciate your understanding and so do the children. Extra supplies can be left at the daycare and replenished when necessary. Children are welcome to bring toys from home to the daycare, but we ask that it be limited to one toy a day, and it must fit in their diaper bag. The only toys we ask that the children do not bring are play guns and weapons. Thank you for your understanding.

Snack and Mealtimes

I would like parents to remember that Breakfast is served at 8:30 a.m. and is put away around 9:00 a.m. If you would like your child to eat breakfast, please arrive on time for that. I won’t be pulling everything back out again after it has been put away. However, you are free to bring something along with you that your child may sit at the table and eat!

Throughout the day water is available for the children as needed. Juice will not be served. At all times during drinking and eating, children are required to be seated and not engaged in any play activity. This is to ensure safety (to avoid choking) and to promote healthy eating/drinking habits. Under no circumstances will young children be allowed to walk around or play with bottles in their mouths.

Pacifiers are encouraged for use at nap time only and if your child requires a bottle at nap it will be given to him or her before they get into bed. Under no circumstances will children be allowed to go to sleep with bottles in bed. This is also to ensure safety (prevent choking) and to prevent dental problems.

• Breakfast is served at approximately 8:30 a.m.

• Lunch is served at approximately 11:45 a.m.

• Afternoon Snack is served at approximately 3:30 p.m.


  • Provide an insulated container labeled with the child's first and last name. Please include a cold pack or thermos as necessary to maintain safe food temperatures.

  • I will not heat to serve meals brought from home, except for infant bottles in the first year of life.

  • Food from home may not contain nuts or sweets, may not be identified as choking hazards (i.e.: grapes, hotdogs), and must be low or no sugar in order to be offered to the child in the daycare. Safe Sleep Practices

  • All infants are put to sleep on their back, in their assigned crib (or pack and play) as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Devices such as wedges or infant positioners will not be used under any circumstance.

  • While infants will always be placed on their backs to sleep, when an infant can easily turn from back to front and front to back, they can remain in whatever position they prefer to sleep. I will make note of the infant meeting this developmental milestone and inform the parents.

  • When infants are in their cribs (or pack and play) they will always be within sight and sound of me. I will record visual checks on sleeping infants aged 12 months or younger every 15 minutes on a sleep chart. The infant/toddler sleep chart will be kept for one month after the reporting month. I will be especially alert to monitor a sleeping infant during the first weeks of the infant being in my childcare.

I will watch for:

  • Normal skin color Normal breathing by watching the rise and fall of the chest while sleeping Signs of overheating such as flushed skin color, increased body temperature (touch the skin), etc. Restlessness

  • Steps will be taken to avoid overheating.

  • The temperature of the room will be monitored and kept at a level that is comfortable, which will be between 68-75 F. There will be no excess bedding, or over-dressing of children. (Infants will not be swaddled. Sleep sacks are allowed.

  • All parents/guardians of infants cared for will receive a written copy of the Infant/Toddler Safe Sleep Policy before enrollment. They will review the policy, sign a statement saying they received and reviewed the policy, and all questions will be discussed and reviewed with me prior to enrollment.

  • When an infant is awake, they will be removed from cribs/pack and play immediately and have supervised “tummy time.” This will help with strengthening their muscles and encouraging them to develop normally.

  • Safe Sleep Environment: I will use Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines for safety-approved cribs and firm mattresses.

  • The crib will have a firm mattress covered by a tight fitted sheet and will be free from mobiles, loose bedding, toys, and other soft objects.

  • Infants will not be placed to sleep on any soft surfaces.

  • Only one infant will be placed to sleep in each crib. Siblings, including twins and triplets will be placed in a separate crib.

  • The crib will have NO toys, blankets, pillows, wedges, or other infant positioners, pillow-like toys, bumper pads, quilts, sheepskins, loose bedding, towels, wash clothes, stuffed toys, or other objects. Nothing may be placed with a sleeping infant aged 12 months or younger.

  • I will allow pacifiers. Please do not attach soft toys, ties, or strings to the pacifier Bibs and pacifiers will not be tied or clipped to an infant's clothing during sleep.

  • Infants who use pacifiers will be offered the pacifier when they are placed to sleep. If the pacifier falls out of the sleeping infant's mouth during nap, the pacifier will be removed.

  • Pacifiers will be cleaned between each use, checked for tears, and will not be coated in any sweet or other solution.

  • Infants that fall asleep in a location other than their crib will be promptly removed and placed in the crib on their back.

  • Infants will be promptly removed from car seats by their parents/guardian at drop off.

  • Infants 12 months and younger are prohibited from sleeping in sitting devices, including but not limited to, car seats, strollers, swings, and infant carriers. Infants that fall asleep in sitting devices will be moved to an appropriate sleep place and placed on their back.

  • No smoking is permitted in my program, which includes anywhere on the premises. Please do not smoke in your vehicle, do not smoke outside prior to picking up your child(ren), after picking up your child(ren), etc.


I will be trained on safe sleep policies and practices every year by attending an ITS - SIDS training workshop.

Every September I will review the Infant and Toddler Safe Sleep Policy and will be trained in First Aid every 1-2 year(s) so that I am current on how to respond to an unresponsive infant/toddler.

Please read this policy carefully and in depth. Please follow this same policy when the infant is at home. These policies will be posted in prominent places. Information regarding safe sleep practices, safe sleep environments, reducing the risk of SIDS in childcare, as well as other program health and safety practices will be shared with families two weeks prior to any changes going into effect.

Aquatic Activity Policy

I must have your permission and a description of our child's swimming ability in writing before I will allow your child to use the swimming/wading pool/sprinkler, etc. Water will be involved under direct supervision and children will always be kept in sight during water play.


All medications are stored in a closet that is inaccessible to children. Children are not given any medication without the parents' written consent. Written consent may only be on a "Permission to Administer Medications'' form and all medications must be in their original bottles with original labels. I must also indicate on the administering form the date, time and dosage of medicine given at each administration, and then initial this information.

For prescription medication, only the directions on the bottle will be accepted for administering the medication. In all instances, I need to know when the child received his/her last dosage of the medication, to ensure medication is given at appropriate times consistently.

With any prescription antibiotics children may not return to care until they've had a full 24 hours of dosage, are no longer contagious and ready to participate in the full child care day, to ensure they are well on the road to recovery.


All allergies (and dietary concerns) will be clearly posted in each room, on the refrigerator and written on the child's emergency info/consent cards.

Developing Illness Policy

If a child is too sick to attend daycare, please keep him/her home. There is no "sick room” at the daycare, and the best place for a child to be recuperating from an illness is at home. There are also many symptoms that a child may have that may prevent them from being able to partake in everyday activities. In the event a child becomes ill during the day, to the point where they are not capable of participating in regular activities, the parents/guardians will be contacted immediately and be required to come pick the child up. If the parents/guardians can't be reached the alternate emergency contact person will be called to come pick up the child.

Allergy related and common cold symptoms as well as non-communicable diseases/illnesses do not require that the child be excluded from care. If any of the following conditions are present, it is required that children be excluded from care: Children may return to care when they are free of symptoms or are approved to return by the facility operator or in some extreme cases, by a medical doctor.

If your child experiences any of the following please keep them home until they are gone, or are well enough to participate in normal everyday activities:

  • Fever (100.5* F/38.3*C or higher) - child must be free from fever (without being medicated) for 24 hours before returning to care at the facility.

    • A teething fever is usually low-grade, meaning less than 100.4* F. It very rarely exceeds that.

  • Sore Throat or trouble swallowing

  • Excessive drainage (clear or discolored) from the mouth, nose, eyes, or ears.

  • Red discoloration to the whites of the eye(s).

  • Severe body or scalp itching

  • Skin rashes as they are difficult to diagnose unless seen by a physician.

  • A deep, hacking cough.

  • An unusual yellow coloring of the skin or eyes.

  • Cuts or openings on the skin that are pus-filled or oozing.

  • Lice or nits.

  • Pain - any unexplained or undiagnosed pain Difficulty in breathing Wheezing or persistent cough Children with a known or suspected communicable disease/illness Vomiting - 2 or more times in 24 hours - may return to care after 24 hours without vomiting Severe Abdominal Pain

  • Diarrhea (as defined by an increase in frequency and loosening of stool) - 2 or more times in 24 hours - may return to care after 24 hours without loose stool/diarrhea

    • If your child is experiencing loose stool, you must keep them home regardless of what they ate recently. Especially as we are going into flu season. Please do not come in here and tell me that “they ate __ recently” as an excuse for diarrhea. I don’t care if your child’s 3 explosive diarrhea diapers came from eating nothing but 2 sides of ranch and jalapeno queso for dinner last night, they need to be picked up and can come back 24 hours after being diarrhea free (unmedicated).

  • Just not feeling good - a child must be well enough to participate in the entire childcare day to be at daycare. If they are drowsy and irritable with everyone around them, it probably is a sign that they need some rest and love that only you can give.

***Parents are required to inform me of any serious illness or communicable /contagious disease (with their child or within their family) within 24 hours to allow other families within the childcare center to be alerted.

Medications must be brought in the original containers, be current with the child's name on it. A medicine permission form must be complete at daycare. If you want your child to have any over the counter medicines, insect repellent, or sunscreen, a permission form must be signed.

If my own children contract an illness during the night, I will notify you immediately so you can decide whether you want to bring your child. If your child(ren) has been exposed to a communicable disease such as chicken pox, strep throat, lice, and pink eye, you will be notified.

If your child(ren) is sent to daycare with any of the above listed symptoms or if above symptoms develop during the day, they will be sent home.

Children should NEVER be medicated and then sent to daycare (i.e. given Tylenol to break fever). “Dope and Dropping” will result in immediate termination of care. You should arrange for back-up care when your child is sick. If your child will not be attending daycare due to illness or any other reason, please let me know as soon as possible, as well as the reason they will not be attending. This will prevent activities from being delayed.

If your child needs to take medications, please try whenever possible to avoid the need for those medicines to be administered by caregivers. If you cannot administer them at home, make certain that you bring the medicines to the daycare in their original containers and provide clear, written instructions, as well as a doctor's note on how/when they should be taken.

All play areas and equipment are clean and in good condition. Equipment is sanitized to prevent the spread of disease every evening as well as whenever possible throughout the day, and inspection reports will be posted in the entryway.

Make sure that your child is kept up to date on vaccines and that you do not bring him/her to the daycare while he/she is sick. Reducing exposure is instrumental to keeping others from catching communicable diseases.

Daycare food is made separately from my family's meals and stored in a separate fridge for the following day. I will not hold on to leftovers, and all daycare dishes are washed/stored away immediately after eating.


Regardless of full-time/part-time attendance, I have a solid rate of $175/week.

Fees are due by the first day of care of each week. Fees may be paid using the Brightwheel app on your phone. Any payments received later than the first day of the service week are subject to the $5 a day late charge. If fee payment is more than 3 days late, all service will be suspended until fees are paid in full. A receipt for fees paid throughout the year will be provided at the end of each year for tax purposes - monthly receipts are available upon request.

Days that your child is in care will be discussed upon enrollment. ***These days will be selected by the parents at time of registration and can be changed with a minimum of one-two weeks' notice.

Parents/guardians that use government subsidy to help pay for fees are responsible for renewing their authorization before it expires. If parents/guardians do not renew their subsidy claim before their previous claim expires the parents/guardians will be responsible for full fees until I receive authorization to bill the government and have received payment. If/when I receive back payment from the ministry (for fees already paid for by the parents), I will reimburse the parents/guardians the subsidy amount.

Absences/Exclusion from Daycare

Upon enrollment you will discuss full-time, part-time schedules. Any changes in the schedule must be made two weeks prior in order to appropriately plan my own schedule as well. No fees will be charged for absences, however, it is a matter of mutual respect. Please notify me by phone (701) 403-3546 as soon as possible. It is your (the parent/guardian) responsibility to notify me. I will not be expected to reach out to you to discuss the absence.

Telephone Communication

If you need to contact the daycare for any reason, please download the Brightwheel App on your phone and message me there. This is my preferred method of conversation, to avoid being reached on my cell phone at all hours. I will check the app frequently at specific times throughout the day.

You can, however, reach my cell phone in case of Emergency only (cell number provided in policy book upon enrollment). If you get my voicemail, please leave a message as I am often out or busy with the children and unable to get to the phone at that moment. I do check messages regularly and return phone calls as soon as I get the chance.

I do not mind calls to check to see how your children are doing during the day. I do please ask to limit them to 1-2 per day, as they do disrupt the classroom to pull me away from the children to speak on the phone. Thank you for your understanding. If you call outside of daycare hours, please leave a detailed message. I will return your call at my next earliest convenience.

Parent's Grievances and Suggestions

I am committed to being incredibly open and honest, and if any parent should have any grievances or any suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I do have a video monitoring system in place at the daycare. This is to ensure everyone's safety. It will record during daycare hours and if you want to see the recordings or have them replayed back; you may do so at any time. Each recording will be held on to for one month's time and then deleted. I also take photos of any injuries or “incident” related marks on children. For example, should your child be bitten or hit by another child - I do have photos and incident reports explaining what happened on file in case someone comes to me with concern. Again, if any parent should have any grievances or any suggestions, please contact me.

Daycare violations are serious issues that should be reported as soon as possible. If you have a concern regarding a childcare program not following licensing regulations, please contact the local Early Childhood Licensing Specialist. Kris Albers - (701) 403-5351

If I am found to be in violation of some rule, I will post the correction order within three working days.

Parent Involvement

My doors are always open to parents who would like to be involved in their child's care and education. Custodial parents are welcome to visit and observe the children at any time during hours of operation. These visits do not need to be planned or scheduled in advance. This open door policy applies only to custodial parents. I welcome any comments or suggestions from parents about programming or the care of their children.

Withdrawal of Services Policy

A MINIMUM 2 WEEKS WRITTEN NOTICE is required for termination of childcare services. Even if your child does not attend during that two-week period, payment is still required. Any fees not paid on time with regards to termination of childcare services will also be subject to daily late fees, until full payment is received. If fees are not paid, the unpaid bill will be placed into collections.

In the event of any concerns (raised by staff, parents/guardians or even children) a meeting can be scheduled to address the issues. The concerns will be clearly stated (ex. late payment, failure to adhere to policies, behavioral problems etc.) and discussed. Meeting minutes will be taken, and solutions will be sought in a non-judgmental manner. A plan will be designed to resolve the issue.

A second meeting will be scheduled to review the situation within a reasonable time frame. In the event the issue cannot be resolved to everyone's satisfaction, a 2 week written notice of termination of services will be given.

Additional Information/Brief Summary:

  • I will provide toys, games, books, etc. If your child wants to bring a special toy or book to show the other children, it will be fine. However, I am not responsible if these items become lost or broken. I only ask that the items brought not be toy guns or weapons.

  • Television time will be kept to a minimum and only PBS Kids or educational shows will be watched, if at all. Typically, it will be a “rainy window” at bedtime or Cosmic Kids “Super Yoga” and that is it.

  • I do have a fence in the yard. In the winter, I try to have the children play outside for at least 15 minutes, two times a day if the weather permits. **”Weather permits” is explained above under “Clothing Code”.

  • All other times, we will be outside once a day for a longer amount of time. This will help build your child's gross motor skills. (This, amongst other things, may also be limited when there is an infant in my care.)

  • I have an open-door policy. You may come whenever you want, but please respect nap times and mealtimes. When you come, allow extra time for me to answer the door because I may be changing a diaper or supervising a child on the potty-chair. Ring the bell, I will be with you as quickly as I can be!

  • Photographs will be taken and given to you via the “Brightwheel'' app downloaded onto your phone at the time of enrollment. If you do not want your child's picture taken, Please let me know.

  • All information that comes my way concerning individual persons or families will be kept confidential!!!

State Law & Paperwork The ND State Law requires that I must have the Child Information Sheet (SFN 845) form & Parent's Statement on Health of Child (SFN 847) form on file for each child. These two forms must be updated annually. The forms must be received before or on the first day that your child attends my childcare. If your child is receiving medical treatment or has a medical condition, I must also have a health care plan on file.

Along with the two forms, your child should have already received the appropriate immunizations for his/her age. Per state law, I must have verification of your child's immunization record. Each time your child is immunized, please provide an updated record for your child's file. If you choose not to immunize your child, a waiver must be signed by you stating your reason (SFN 16038). Please be aware that there might be an unimmunized child attending this daycare as per state law, I can't refuse care to this family for that reason. If you have any further questions, please let me know. That is what I am here for.

Parent/Family Handbook and Fee Agreement (Your Copy To Keep)

Child(ren)’s Name(s): ______________________________________________________

Type of Care (Please Circle One):

Full/Part Time Care Drop-In Care

$175/Week $40/Day

I/We (the undersigned) have read the parent handbook and understand all the information, policies and procedures outlined in the handbook. We (the undersigned) have also received a copy of these policies and procedures for our own records and reference. By signing this agreement, we consent to all the handbook policies and procedures and agree to them, including payment policies and late fee procedures. By signing this agreement, we acknowledge that the information supplied in the registration form regarding our child(ren) and the information supplied below is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. By signing this agreement, we also consent to pictures being taken of our child(ren) to be shared online via the Instagram/Facebook childcare page. (If you'd like your child’s pictures removed after you leave the center please inform me and that can be arranged) We also consent to our children being recorded by the video monitoring system, and understand that the footage will not be shared with any third parties (other than to be checked by parents with concern for their own child).

____________________________________ ________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

____________________________________ ________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

____________________________________ ________________________

Owner/Operator's Signature Date

Parent/Family Handbook and Fee Agreement (MY COPY)

Child(ren)’s Name(s): ______________________________________________________

Type of Care (Please Circle One):

Full/Part Time Care Drop-In Care

$175/Week $40/Day

I/We (the undersigned) have read the parent handbook and understand all the information, policies and procedures outlined in the handbook. We (the undersigned) have also received a copy of these policies and procedures for our own records and reference. By signing this agreement, we consent to all the handbook policies and procedures and agree to them, including payment policies and late fee procedures. By signing this agreement, we acknowledge that the information supplied in the registration form regarding our child(ren) and the information supplied below is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. By signing this agreement, we also consent to pictures being taken of our child(ren) to be shared online via the Instagram/Facebook childcare page. (If you'd like your child’s pictures removed after you leave the center please inform me and that can be arranged) We also consent to our children being recorded by the video monitoring system, and understand that the footage will not be shared with any third parties (other than to be checked by parents with concern for their own child).

____________________________________ ________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

____________________________________ ________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

____________________________________ ________________________

Owner/Operator's Signature Date

Photographs/Video Cameras

I take pictures at the daycare to share with the parents to show just how much fun we have at daycare. I will under no circumstances share photos of your child to Facebook, or any other Social Media outlet if the following is not signed! Photos of the children will only be sent to their parents/guardians through the brightwheel app on your phone. Should you receive photos that include other children in the photo, please keep in mind you cannot share any pictures of children in a public forum unless you have written consent of that child's parents. So, if you do save pictures or wish to share them with friends on Facebook please ensure there are no other children's faces in the pictures.

If I have your permission to post on Social Media outlets (Instagram/Facebook), please sign here:

If you do not want your child's picture taken, Please let me know. /s/ _________________________________ date: _________________________________


I would like to help your child celebrate his/her birthday. You may bring a treat for the day and I will supply everything else for the day.

Your Child(ren)’s date of birth: _____________________________________



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